Connect With Our Commercial Carpet Cleaning Company in the Canton or Novi, MI Area

We’ll be glad to give you a free estimate on your carpet cleaning project

Thank you for visiting the website of 24/7 Carpet Cleaning. We provide commercial carpet cleaning services in Canton, Novi, MI and throughout all of Metro Detroit. You can count on us to keep your carpets looking fresh and beautiful so you can enjoy a healthy work environment. We’re also here to help with upholstery cleaning, floor stripping and buffing, floor waxing and tile and grout cleaning. Additionally, we offer pet odor and stain removal services to residential customers. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment.

Please use the form on this page to email us. You can also call 734-474-0794 to speak with us immediately.

Contact Us

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24/7 Carpet Cleaning

Our Location:

Canton, MI 48187

Call Us:

(734) 474-0794
Mon - Sun

Office Hours:

24 hour service available upon request

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